The following Digital Acquisition Best Practices and Lessons Learned have been identified by the Digital Campaign and the Department of the Air Force (DAF) Digital Transformation Office (DTO) as recommendations for programs adopting Digital Acquisition into their acquisition strategies, request for proposals and program execution.
The DAF is very early on in our Digital Transformation and many best practices and lessons learned (BP/LL) are still to be identified. Therefore, this resource is intended to be a living document with regular updates incorporating new insights as they are discovered. As such, programs on their own digital transformation journey are encouraged to leverage this product, but also to provide feedback as they make their own discoveries.
Digital Acquisition Questionnaire Best Practices / Lessons Learned Results
Click Here to access the Best Practices & Lessons Learned (V4)
This document summarizes BP/LL that were collected over the past year using a consistent questionnaire format and first hand interviews from program management offices located at multiple bases in two Air Force Centers as well as discussions with Industry. Best practices are generally based on observation and what we know best as of today. They may be updated in the future as we continue to learn and update from collaboration with programs implementing Digital Acquisition practices in the execution phase. Furthermore, this document categorizes references to external sources of BP/LL to make it easier for program teams to spotlight Digital Acquisition insight.